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Writing a small Forth-based RPI OS : Part 1 (Das U-Boot baremetal usage to ease I/O)

This focus on U-Boot setup, see part 2 for a low level Forth dialect implementation. Loosely related to my Moving to lower tech article.



I had an interest in writing a hobby operating system and programming language from scratch for a while but i was often deterred by the inherent complexity of such projects, my ideas were slightly more aligned with low-level code golf programs without being too cryptic, aiming for simplicity in implementation, small but still easy to use like the old-school CP/M or ROM bundled OS of the early 80s (C64, Jupiter Ace etc.), the point was not to replicate any "modern" OS features at all and ignore most features a modern CPU provides. (modes etc.)

This is a series of articles that show how i built my own minimalist bare-metal operating system in ARM assembly on top of U-Boot for a Raspberry PI Zero 1.3 based on Forth. (especially colorForth)

This article is mainly about the preliminary setup of the OS on the chosen platform using Das U-Boot to ease I/O on a Raspberry PI and avoid modern low level complications. (USB etc.)


The target hardware for this OS is a Raspberry PI Zero 1.3 (single-core ARM1176JZF-S CPU), the OS code use U-Boot API to simplify I/O, the PI Zero was chosen because i had one around and had prior experience with ARM on the Acorn Archimedes and i quite like RISC and PI "minimalist" set of features especially centered around a mid to late 90s design single-core which is not too common nowadays.

Why Forth ?

Here is a compact summary of what is Forth (from Wikipedia) :
Forth typically combines a compiler with an integrated command shell, where the user interacts via subroutines called words. Words can be defined, tested, redefined, and debugged without recompiling or restarting the whole program. All syntactic elements, including variables, operators, and control flow, are defined as words. A stack is used to pass parameters between words, leading to a Reverse Polish Notation style.

A Forth implementation is algorithmically simple with few core concept, it is incredibly flexible yet simple to implement, a straightforward implementation sit between machine code and high level languages, i think it serve as a great introduction to the inner working of programming languages as it share many base constructs and can easily grow towards high level constructs without huge structural changes.

It was rather natural to go for a stack-oriented programming language such as Forth with my requirements, it was straightforward to understand and it somehow directly works like a minimal operating system / language combo on some implementation, it doesn't try to hide the low-level stuff but provide a thin layer for it which makes Forth a popular language choice in resource-constrained environments such as the embedded world for debugging and other purposes due to its adaptability and simplicity / features ratio, the implementation can go incredibly minimal, example of Forth usage in the wild is eg. Open Firmware or HP RPL.

There is some high level alternative to Forth as a programming language such as Scheme / LISP, Factor, Tcl, Joy or Kitten, some of them do a great job at abstracting the low level stuff away, some of them are typed, they can be small to implement but may require more effort for a good result.

This talk by Jon Purdy is a great starting point to understand the foundation of concatenative programming language and how they can be extended to add a type system, also see this article and this.

My Forth started as a minimal implementation but i directed it towards higher level constructs for convenience (and exploration) such as built-in variables, high order functions support etc. it was fun to realize how flexible Forth can be while being still tiny, it can be close to the machine or something as practical as C or as high level as LISP (see Joy) although LISP may be more cohesive and uniform in its approach.

Forth in a nutshell

A typical Forth interpreter have two stacks (a data stack and a return stack), a context state (compile or immediate), a dictionary (a linked list usually) which hold the words and associated data such as code, the syntax of the language is just a composition of words (printable characters) delimited by space, each words can be seen as a subroutine which do some actions such as calling other words or manipulate the stacks, it is akin to a virtual machine.

To be useful as a language a Forth have a base dictionary made of primitives, they are predefined words (such as operators like + * ) by which other words are composed of, among the primitives there is special primitives such as : which switch the Forth context into "compile" mode and allow to define a new word which is added into the words list along with the code (other words) it is composed of, ; close a definition and switch to "immediate" mode.

Words also have a binary state which mark some of them to be evaluated directly inside definitions instead of being put among the definition words, this is useful for high level constructs such as conditionals, ; is such word for example since it must be evaluated instead of being added to the definition code.

It is equally simple to go from a Forth interpreter to a compiler producing efficient generated code due to easy inline expansion of words code (especially when STC model is used), primitives can also be optimized for the target architecture as needed which may result in good performances by default (better than non optimized C) with a naive implementation, Forth stack based scheme still limit what is possible to reach naively on a register based machine though.

More details on Forth can be found here.

Also see my preliminary Forth prototype article which show a high level implementation of Forth.

colorForth (tokenized Forth)

colorForth is a stand-alone tokenized dialect of Forth with colors, it also come with OS-like features, it completely deviate from the popular ASCII-based separators (text based) languages and instead use a binary format with a colorful presentation. It is akin to a visual programming approach and also close to tokenized languages of the 80s such as BASIC although the main goal back then was mostly a space saving one.

Main advantage of ColorForth to me is the simplification of the parser code even for higher level constructs, adding features to the language does not increase much the parsing complexity, it is an efficient approach for languages like Forth because they already tend towards a limited syntax with few base elements. Another advantage is that syntax highlighting come naturally from its design !

ColorForth require different tooling but a basic hexadecimal editor with different layers is perhaps sufficient, the popular approach is to switch a word type through keyboard shortcuts.

I was heavily interested in colorForth from the start so one of my goal is to shape the OS towards it as colorForth concept fulfill my needs.

Rainbow Forth; a colorForth implementation

Simplifying OS I/O : U-Boot on Raspberry PI

An ARM implementation was the next step but some issues came quickly to my mind : how do i handle all the I/O stuff such as keyboard input, storage access and graphics at low level on a Raspberry PI ?

Below is a step by step guide which show the process i used to setup U-Boot on a Raspberry PI Zero 1.3 to load my custom ARM code with U-Boot API calls to easily handle I/O and ease portability, the sole idea was to cut out all the complicated modern hardware bits... (keyboard, storage, graphics)

Note that i chose to do the bootstrap code in ARM assembly instead of C but U-Boot features usage would be way more robust / easier in C !

I/O issues on the PI

Turns out that while it is simple to draw graphics at low level on a Raspberry PI, handling a keyboard is considerably harder due to having to deal with USB which has a "tedious" implementation, storage is roughly the same, the grunt work and time required to do an implementation didn't satisfy me so i looked for workarounds.

An easy although hacky solution for the keyboard interface was to plug a PS/2 keyboard to the PI GPIO which is easier to deal with, there is also the UART road, this didn't solve storage though and i wanted a standalone approach.

There is also several bare metal environment for the PI with various I/O implementation such as circle that i could borrow from but i was looking for something easier, BIOS-like.

The I/O complexity issue wouldn't be a problem on x86 platforms (as long as ones stay in real mode) due to the BIOS (or UEFI nowadays) which can be considered a form of pre-OS, the BIOS firmware among other things provide a "nice" interface to the hardware that the operating system can use to simplify its I/O so that there is no drivers to write, modern OS don't use the BIOS much because it can only be accessed in real mode and it was replaced by UEFI, it is still useful for a simple hobby OS, too bad that the Raspberry PI doesn't have this sort of feature for various reasons.

My solution was to add a hardware abstraction layer through the usage of Das U-Boot which is a flexible boot loader that provide an API as well, it also has UEFI features which enable a portable way to do I/O, UEFI has some more requirements such as binary format so i didn't try it yet but the portability aspect is interesting.

Note that the PS/2 solution is still worthy as a cheap way to get a PS/2 mouse working. (U-Boot doesn't have a mouse interface out of the box)

As for sounds, U-Boot doesn't have any support for it (a guess), HDMI / USB audio can be used but the interface may be complicated, an alternative is PI GPIO.

PI boot process (source) with proprietary blobs, kernel is the OS binary (FDT should be ignored)

It was funny to unveil all these software layers since they can be considered pre-OS already for all the features they provide... and adding U-Boot adds so much already... this stack looks a bit "ugly" i guess but all this complexity is perhaps necessary to deal with plenty hardware bits and accommodate special use cases in a reliable way (such as my own here !), it would be much simpler (in term of layers) with a tightly coupled "custom" hardware or on some other platforms. (retro ones ?)

U-Boot alternatives ?

U-Boot was one choice but alternative exists (and they may be simpler !) such as Coreboot / Libreboot.

Compiler setup

On Ubuntu 22.04 to compile my OS code and U-Boot : sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf

SD card setup

The SD setup below create a ~30MB FAT32 boot partition on a formatted SD card, replace sdx below by your SD card device name :
  1. sudo parted -s /dev/sdx \ mklabel msdos \ mkpart primary fat32 1M 30M
  2. sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdx1
The size of the boot partition is arbitrary and can be smaller but beware of very small boot partition as i had issues with a ~8MB one which couldn't boot for some reasons although it could hold all the files.

PI proprietary blobs and copy to boot partition

  1. clone repository : git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware
  2. copy firmware/boot/bootcode.bin to boot partition
  3. copy firmware/boot/fixup.dat to boot partition
  4. copy firmware/boot/start.elf to boot partition

U-Boot setup for Raspberry PI Zero 1.3

  1. see U-Boot documentation to install U-Boot the various dependencies required to build
  2. clone U-Boot project : git clone https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git
  3. switch to a stable release : git checkout tags/v2024.04
  4. a U-Boot defconfig file is available for that PI board at configs/rpi_0_w_defconfig directory, in order to be able to boot on RPI 0 i had to replace the default CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEVICE_TREE= line by this one : CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEVICE_TREE="bcm2835-rpi-zero"
  5. use / write configuration file : CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make rpi_0_w_defconfig
  6. enable U-Boot API in General setup of the configuration tool (don't forget to save) : CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make menuconfig
  7. compile U-Boot : CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make -j$(nproc)
  8. a u-boot.bin file should be available in the project directory, this file must be copied to the boot partition and renamed to kernel.img
For some reasons (lacks of serial connection ?) the autoboot was always interrupted in my case... so i needed to set the autoboot delay to -2 in U-Boot menuconfig : Boot options > Autoboot options

To use u-boot.bin file without renaming a config.txt must be created on the boot partition (this configure the PI boot) with this content : kernel=u-boot.bin

At this point the PI should boot to the U-Boot shell which provide a way to interact with U-Boot tools, next step is to bypass this by telling U-Boot to load the OS binary somewhere and jump to its code.

U-Boot > v2024.04 bug on old Raspberry PI

U-Boot releases after v2024.04 (git tag) didn't work on my PI due to a bug introduced in this commit, this bug probably break some old Raspberry PI as well.

If you get this issue on your board either revert the commit or apply this fix :
  1. edit file arch/arm/Kconfig
  2. search for "ARCH_BCM283X"
  3. remove "imply OF_HAS_PRIOR_STAGE" line
  4. re-build : export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make clean && make rpi_0_defconfig && make -j$(nproc)
It may be safer to revert the commit since there was other changes that may break ARM64 boards.

U-Boot OS boot script

A U-Boot script must be created in order to boot a custom OS automatically, here is the content of my script (called rpi_0.cmd) :

fatload mmc 0:1 ${kernel_addr_r} gnos.bin
go ${kernel_addr_r}

This load the OS binary contained in gnos.bin and jump to its code.

The boot script must be converted to another format before copying it to the SD with : mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d rpi_0.cmd boot.scr

Then boot.scr must be copied to the boot partition.

The manual U-Boot command that execute this script on the U-Boot prompt is : bootflow scan

SD card boot partition content

All the content of my SD card after this setup, config.txt is not mandatory and is used to boot u-boot.bin directly instead of renaming it to kernel.img :

U-Boot customization, disabling cache, faster boot process

The U-Boot configuration tool menuconfig can be used to add or remove U-Boot features, this can be useful to customize the boot process and have both a lightweight binary and a faster boot process.

My U-Boot configuration was tailored for boot speed and i removed a lot of unused bits to make it minimal, to avoid redoing the configuration with menuconfig i copied the rpi_0_w_defconfig file and appended my own config :

CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND="usb start;fatload mmc 0:1 ${kernel_addr_r} gnos.bin;printenv api_address;go ${kernel_addr_r}"

This shrink the U-Boot binary by a factor of two and the boot process is now very fast (~3s), most of the wait time is the RPI own boot process and U-Boot USB scan.

What does it do ? It remove a lot of unused commands and bits, remove U-Boot logo, set the boot delay, disable network, enable API, remove unused stuff such as USB storage / Ethernet and run my OS without looking for the boot.scr file to speed the boot process, it also show the api_address variable which is handy for API usage. It also enable ANSI escape codes which is useful to control the text cursor etc. (see this to see how U-Boot handle ANSI)

There is some more speed / size improvements by disabling console if ones is willing to lose it with CONFIG_DISABLE_CONSOLE=y. (you may not want to do that in the early OS steps !)

For a faster PI boot process i also added these lines in config.txt (note : i just use HDMI and USB on my PI) :


Note that i disabled the ARM instruction cache and data cache on purpose due to mandatory cache maintenance (invalidation) on ARM because they operate independently (Harvard architecture which started from ARMv4), this means additional code to take care of this abstraction for dynamically generated code and so on, this may introduce difficult to debug side effects so disabling it was a development safety mechanism, i later enabled it again when the code was settled on, main disadvantage of disabling cache is reduced performances.

U-Boot has some commands (dcache and icache) which can be used to flush / toggle CPU caches, these commands are enabled by CONFIG_CMD_CACHE=y and it might be useful in some case to flush the caches before the go commands, cache maintenance may also depends on U-Boot MMU setup (exception is if the loaded program has its own setup) so it may be safer to do cache maintenance through U-Boot internals, a simple way to do this is to extend the U-Boot API with cache maintenance functions. (see below)

U-Boot exported functions usage

doc/README.standalone and the standalone U-Boot example show usage of U-Boot exported functions which is some kind of internal API that is especially handy for quick access to keyboard / timer, the stubs.c file is especially interesting, it show code for many platforms to directly call an U-Boot exported function from assembly. U-Boot follow the ARM Embedded ABI (EABI) calling convention (same for API btw) :
On ARM, the following registers are used:

        R0:     function argument word/integer result
        R1-R3:  function argument word
        R9:     platform specific
        R10:    stack limit (used only if stack checking is enabled)
        R11:    argument (frame) pointer
        R12:    temporary workspace
        R13:    stack pointer
        R14:    link register
        R15:    program counter

    ==> U-Boot will use R9 to hold a pointer to the global data

    Note: on ARM, only R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations are supported.
The standalone example code in stubs.c use the U-Boot global data pointer stored in R9 on ARM (this is the global_data struct in include/asm-generic/global_data.h) plus some computed offset to locate the jump table (struct jt member) which contains pointers to exported functions, it then call functions stored in that table.

R9 should never be modified when exported functions are used, U-Boot might use the global data pointer within the calls ! It should be saved somewhere and loaded before an exported function call. This should perhaps be applied to most critical registers as well such as SP if modified although it worked fine with just R9 on this particular case.

A list of supported functions is available in the file include/_exports.h.

A simple ARM example to use U-Boot getc() looks like this :

.global _start

    // U-Boot exported function call (for bigger programs: r9 should be saved somewhere and restored before calling an exported function)
    adr lr, halt // return to "halt" after getc call
    ldr ip, [r9, #124] // load jump table address (global data pointer is in r9 + offset to the *jt* member)
    ldr pc, [ip, #4] // call getc, result in r0

    b halt

Note : The jt offset may change with different U-Boot config. options so in real use case a constant might be appropriate, in C this offset is computed in stubs.c, it can also be inferred directly by looking at the global_data struct.

To compile this code (and other code here) with GCC :

arm-linux-gnueabihf-as -march=armv6 getc.s -o getc.o
arm-linux-gnueabihf-ld -Ttext=0x80000 getc.o -o getc.elf
arm-linux-gnueabihf-objcopy getc.elf -O binary getc.bin

Note : -march= argument is important and is set to match the target CPU architecture, if not specified some instructions may be generated that are not supported by the early PI.

Also note the -Ttext=0x80000 ld argument which should reflect the value of kernel_addr_r U-Boot environment variable on the PI Zero, this address is the location of the program in RAM after the fatload U-Boot command run, this value was chosen by the default U-Boot configuration on 32-bit Raspberry PI because it is the default load / start address on this RPI. It may be different on 64-bit RPI or other boards. Precise reason for this address may be due to a safe convention since the lowest RAM area may be used by the firmware.

U-Boot API usage

The U-Boot API (see U-Boot examples/api/) has more features than the exported functions and it is easier to hack on, it is slightly harder to use in assembly (very easy in C though !) but is safer, it allow storage / network access.

The function syscall defined in api/api.c needs to be called in order to use it, this function address is exposed in the syscall field of api_signature structure defined in include/api_public.h, this structure address is known after boot by looking at the value of the api_address U-Boot environment variable.

All the available API functions are defined in include/api_public.h

Just like the safety tips mentioned for the standalone API, R9 (at least) should be saved somewhere and loaded before the calls to ensure correct behavior since it hold the U-Boot context and may be used within the calls.

Difference with standalone API is that the arguments are addresses.

Here is a U-Boot API example which call getc() then putc(), this get keyboard input and output it right away :

.global _start

.equ UBOOT_API_ADDRESS, 0x1bba50d0 // "api_address" U-Boot environment variable value; printenv api_address

        ldr r4, =UBOOT_API_ADDRESS
        mov r0, #1 // U-Boot syscall number (getc)
        mov r1, #0 // retval argument (addr. where return value is stored; useful for a few functions (device ones) but is mandatory even if unused
        add r2, sp, #4 // address of getc returned value; will be on stack in this case
        mov lr, pc
        ldr pc, [r4, #16] // call syscall(1, 0, &v) where &v is value of r2

        mov r0, #2 // putc
        mov r1, #0 // retval
        add r2, sp, #4 // give the address of the character returned by getc as second argument
        mov lr, pc
        ldr pc, [r4, #16] // call syscall(2, 0, &v)

        b shell

Note : api_address may change with U-Boot config. change, it change when i modify CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND in my case which is why i always print the API address environment variable after boot in case of a config. change. A better way to do it is shown in the U-Boot API C demo which scan a location in memory to find the structure address through its signature, it is way more robust than using a constant.

tstc() function can be used before a call to getc() to check for inputs. (e.g. non blocking inputs)

A full / clean ARMv6 implementation of a generic U-Boot API routine is available here

Extending the U-Boot API

Extending the U-Boot API is done by modifying include/api_public.h and api/api.c, it can be useful to expose some of the U-Boot internals / commands (see U-Boot cmd directory) to our ARM program, i will show a simple example that will add a way to flush the ARM data cache :
Then the API_dcache_flush function can be implemented in the same file, it is a simple call to the internal U-Boot flush_dcache_all function (this information was found by looking at the command code cache.c in cmd directory) :

static int API_dcache_flush(va_list ap) {
    return 0;

The function is now exposed to our program through the U-Boot API.

Note that there is precise cache maintenance methods such as flush_dcache_range / invalidate_dcache_range or mmu_set_region_dcache_behaviour (require #include <asm/cache.h>) to do cache maintenance or set cache behaviors for a specific range :

mmu_set_region_dcache_behaviour(ALIGN_DOWN((uintptr_t)start, MMU_SECTION_SIZE), ALIGN((uintptr_t)size, MMU_SECTION_SIZE), DCACHE_OFF);

Here is a generic cache maintenance function that should be flexible enough for most situations :

static int API_cache_care(va_list ap)
    int care_type;

    care_type = va_arg(ap, int);

    if (care_type == 1) {
    } else if (care_type == 2) {
    } else {

U-Boot storage / network access

U-Boot API (see above) must be used for storage and network device access, they are handled with the same set of functions.

It is slightly more complicated to use in assembly compared to other functions since it use a device_info structure (see include/api_public.h) that must be passed around :
  1. fill device_info structure with a call (or multiple calls depending on device you want to get) to API_DEV_ENUM (api/api.c), check the result (device type, block count and size for the storage case)
  2. pass the structure address to API_DEV_OPEN and check for return value
  3. pass the structure address to API_DEV_READ or API_DEV_WRITE with the parameters you want, also check for return value (and # of blocks read) in case anything wrong happen
  4. eventually pass the structure address to API_DEV_CLOSE
In storage case the API is a low level blocks based access (raw so it is not filesystem aware !) so in the case of write you give a buffer to read from, a starting block and a number of blocks to write. (see api/api.c)

The devices enumerated with enum are the devices that were scanned at boot by U-Boot, a rescan may be possible by switching back to U-Boot (or poke into U-Boot internals ?) but is out of scope for this article.

For my needs on a RPI Zero with a single MMC device i just use a SD card with a small partition that is used to store the boot stuff (binaries) and directly use the unpartitioned space of the SD as blocks storage, this is how colorForth environment works for example, this is the simplest way to store and read data without fuss on a storage device. An useful command and software to works in an interoperable way or experiment with this (on Linux) is wxHexEditor and parted (following command show device /dev/sdg layout details in bytes) : sudo parted /dev/sdg unit B print

Here is a full example with my custom ARM Forth language. (also see api.inc and gnos.th)

raw MMC access with U-Boot on RPI Zero 1.3 (example done with my custom ARM Forth)

U-Boot frame-buffer access (graphics)

Graphics on the PI 0 is actually easy to do at low level but U-Boot provide this already... wasn't worth to write an implementation.

Modifying frame-buffer values (plotting pixels) require to know where the frame-buffer is in memory, this can be done with bdinfo U-Boot command which show the frame-buffer address at "FB base" and size at "FB size".

U-Boot bdinfo command output with several memory layout info, "FB base" is where you poke to change pixels value

Here is a bare metal ARM example of filling (clearing) the screen by accessing the U-Boot frame-buffer :

.global _start

@ fill 1024x600x32 frame-buffer with white color
    ldr r0, [pc]             @ load FB base into r0
    mov pc, pc
    .word 0x1e99a000         @ FB base
    mov r2, #(1024 * 600)
        mov r1,#0x00ffffff   @ white
        str r1, [r0], #4     @ modify pixel value to white
        subs r2, #1
        bne 0b
        b 0b

Note that graphics stuff may have performance issues using U-Boot framebuffer since it is way more limited than accessing the GPU directly. (there is no notion of double buffering etc.)

An easy way to flip buffers on RPI 0 is to use the mailbox CPU / GPU interface, it can be quickly integrated with the U-Boot initialized framebuffer by doubling the vertical virtual resolution at initialization by patching bcm2835_set_video_params in arm/mach-bcm283x/msg.c :

msg_setup->virtual_w_h.body.req.height = (*heightp) * 2;

This will change FB base and extend the framebuffer with an offscreen buffer, the displayed buffer part (virtual offset) can then be changed in our program by using the mailbox interface. An easier 100% U-Boot alternative is to directly extends the U-Boot API with a function that set the virtual offset. (see arm/mach-bcm283x/msg.c)

Here is an accelerated double buffering example in my Forth, it use the U-Boot framebuffer with the patch above + custom mailbox interface code, VSync is done roughly with a timer.

Note on U-Boot memory layout

U-Boot load at 0x00008000 on the PI 0 and relocate itself to the end of the available RAM after boot, our program load at 0x00080000 which means that the RAM between our program address and U-Boot relocation address is free to use, the relocation address and details can be checked with bdinfo U-Boot command.

Note that U-Boot memory footprint is tiny, it use ~32KB of RAM in my case with the custom config above.

You might have noticed that the DRAM bank size value is 448MB in the screenshot above, the PI 0 has 512MB so why 448 ? Reason is shared memory, the GPU take 64MB of RAM by default ! (can be changed in config.txt)

U-Boot USB keyboard handling

U-Boot default keyboard layout is an US one due to USB HID, this can be changed later in our custom OS or U-Boot keyboard handling can be hijacked in U-Boot common/usb_kbd.c adding this code for example to usb_kbd_translate function (excerpt of a french layout support) :

if (scancode == 4) scancode = 0x14; // A -> Q
else if (scancode == 0x14) scancode = 4; // Q -> A
else if (scancode == 0x1a) scancode = 0x1d; // W -> Z
else if (scancode == 0x1d) scancode = 0x1a; // Z -> W

Keys state (and LEDs) can also be changed in this file to boot in uppercase etc. (data->flags ^= USB_KBD_CAPSLOCK; in usb_kbd_probe_dev function)

I initially investigated U-Boot keyboard handling code due to a faulty Raspberry PI keyboard, some keypress 't' and 'y' were also outputting another character prior it so i had to find a way to patch this in U-Boot by adding this code to usb_kbd_irq_worker function :

    // Check for problematic key combinations in the report
    for (i = 2; i < USB_KBD_BOOT_REPORT_SIZE - 1; i++) {
        if ((data->new[i] == 0x15 && data->new[i + 1] == 0x17) || // Check for 'r' (0x15) followed by 't' (0x17)
            (data->new[i] == 0x18 && data->new[i + 1] == 0x1C)) { // Check for 'u' (0x18) followed by 'y' (0x1C)
            // Keep next char, drop first
            data->new[i] = data->new[i + 1];
            data->new[i + 1] = 0;

Change frame-buffer resolution (RPI 0)

My display is a cheap 7" HDMI display bought on Amazon with a max resolution of 1024x600, for some reasons the frame-buffer was set to 656x512 by default, an adjustment was made to the file config.txt to allow full resolution :

hdmi_cvt=1024 600 60 6 0 0 0

See Raspberry PI config.txt video documentation for the details about the added lines, this select a 1024x600 60Hz DMT 15:9 monitor mode, these lines were actually found in the device user manual.

Debugging ARM / U-Boot code

U-Boot patch to keep debugging information on screen

U-Boot takes care of setting up the CPU interrupts, it shows some helpful information by default when a CPU exception is triggered such as undefined instruction, the issue is that it also reset the CPU and reboot, the information then vanish since i don't use a serial interface and the display don't keep the information when the device is off...

There is unfortunately no ways to tell U-Boot to not reboot on an exception so there is two software solutions : patch U-Boot code or setup own interrupts which would be the robust way but involve additional code to redo what U-Boot exception handlers does.

A quick solution was to patch U-Boot code by editing arch/arm/lib/interrupts.c file and replacing bad_mode function code with an infinite loop : while (1) ; then rebuilding U-Boot, this way the information stay on screen and no reboot happen. 

Immediate advantage is that U-Boot exception handlers are used so i can just trigger an invalid instruction exception with udf in my program and U-Boot will report the CPU state right away, there is no additional code involved although there is a major downside...

Restoring U-Boot context on an exception

The previous trick might work when the U-Boot context (registers state) is left unchanged in our program but U-Boot exceptions might not work anymore when critical registers (such as R9) in those exceptions are modified by our program. This is the same issue as the API usage mentioned earlier.

The way to fix this might be to wrap U-Boot exception handlers with some code that restore the U-Boot context then jump to the original handlers, i tried this at first, it didn't works for some reasons, i don't know if some restriction features (such as MMU etc.) got in the way but U-Boot never seemed to jump to my code even though the jump address was correct and the handler was effectively wrapped without errors, it just crashed with a data abort instead of the replaced undefined instruction exception handler i was testing on.

A quick fix that worked was to hack the U-Boot exception code to make it jump at my routine, this routine just restore the U-Boot context (R9) and is placed at 0x80008 after U-Boot API setup code (setup code save SP and R9 in my case), this is a bit ugly as it tie (2-way) U-Boot code with the program code... but i considered it okay anyway since it is a single isolated macro.

Setting up custom interrupts and associated debug routines (print etc.) would be the robust way to handle this.

Here is the macro that was added to arch/arm/lib/vectors.S :

    .macro restore_uboot_ctx
    str lr, [pc]        @ save LR
    mov pc, pc          @ skip next
    .word 0             @ LR is saved here
    add lr, pc, #4      @ prepare jump
    ldr pc, [pc, #-4]   @ jump to routine address
    .word 0x00080008    @ address of the 'restore uboot gd' routine in user program
    ldr lr, [pc, #-24]  @ restore LR

This macro is then called just before the bl instruction in each exception handlers located at the end of the same file. Note that i didn't test the SWI handler as i don't use it, it works differently and may require adaptation.

Here is a program starting code sample placed at 0x80000 :

.global _start
    b 0f
       uboot_restore_gd: @ called by the U-Boot patch
           adr r9, uboot_gd_addr
           ldr r9, [r9]
           mov pc, lr
       uboot_gd_addr: @ U-Boot global_data struct address is stored here
           .word 0
       uboot_sp_addr: @ U-Boot stack address is stored here
           .word 0
       UBOOT_API_SETUP: @ routine to save U-Boot context
           adr r0, uboot_gd_addr
           str r9, [r0] @ save global_data struct address in r9 when program is launched from U-Boot (with "go" command)
           adr r0, uboot_sp_addr
           str sp, [r0] @ save U-Boot SP
           mov pc, lr
@ ... program code ...

General tips

Most of the ARM development was done with the help of an ARMv7 simulator to iterate quickly since i don't use UART / serial interface on the PI. (i just swap the SD card)

To debug on cpulator i usually import the whole code since it is simple enough to combine manually, i can then debug step by step in cpulator and the disassembly view has all labels so this help a lot, for quick debugging i just import the binary at 0x80000 and use this code to jump in :

.global _start

ldr r0,[pc]
mov pc,r0
.word 0x80000

Although very helpful the simulator is often not enough on real hardware since many interfering things may happen (cache etc.) so i have a set of 32 bits debug routines to print RAM content, U-Boot bundled tools could be used directly by returning to the prompt also, the best way to debug though (may be costly) would be with a JTAG device.

Here are the ARM debug routines implemented as macros, they are highly non portable, only works on 32-bits ARM architecture in non thumb mode, require adaptation otherwise since it manipulate PC directly :

@ a set of standalone debug code
@ use with caution due to direct
@ PC manipulation (no labels)
@ uboot API putc
.macro putc c
    push {r0}
    mov r0, #\c
    putrc r0
    pop {r0}

@ uboot API putc with register
.macro putrc r
    push {r0-r12, lr}
    mov r3, \r
    mov r1, #0                  @ retval
    str r3, [pc, #8]
    ldr r5, [pc]
    add pc, #4
        .word 0x1bbab1c8        @ api address (change to yours)
        .word 0                 @ value (is replaced)
    sub r2, pc, #12             @ value address
    mov r0, #2                  @ PUTC
    mov lr, pc
    ldr pc, [r5, #16]
    pop {r0-r12, lr}

@ print memory area per 32b word
.macro print_mem4 start end
    push {r0-r12, lr}
    ldr r2, [pc, #8]
    ldr r1, [pc]
    add pc, #4
        .word \start
        .word \end
    ldr r0, [r1], #4
    print_hex r0
    putc ' '
    cmp r1, r2
    suble pc, pc, #196
    pop {r0-r12, lr}

@ print reg. hexadecimal value
.macro print_hex r
    push {r1, r2, r3}           @ save registers
    mov r0, \r
    mov r1, pc                  @ load the address of hex digits string
    add pc, #12
        .ascii "0123456789ABCDEF"
    mov r2, #28                 @ 32 bits, 8 hex digits, so we start at 28 (7th nibble)
        mov r3, r0
        lsr r3, r2              @ shift the desired nibble to the least significant position
        and r3, r3, #0xf        @ mask to get only 4 bits (1 nibble)

        ldrb r3, [r1, r3]       @ load the corresponding hex character from the table
        putrc r3

        subs r2, #4             @ move to the next nibble (4 bits less)
        subpl pc, pc, #80       @ loop until all nibbles are printed
    pop {r1, r2, r3}            @ restore registers

What is next ?

With a functional Forth prototype and all U-Boot bare metal I/O examples now in place, the logical next step is to proceed with a Forth dialect ARM implementation.

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